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Health care system

The dietician is covered in the national health service of Italy (Servizio Sanitario Nazionale / SSN). Other things that are covered are doctor treatments, including tests; surgeries during hospitalization; dental treatment; medication; in- and out-patient treatment; family doctor visits and medical assistance provided by specialists, the dietician is an example of this.


Regardless of where someone is from, it is impossible to get a permit to stay in Italy without some kind of health insurance. 


Someone from the Netherland that will stay less than three months in Italy could use a travel insurance with in an ‘European health insurance card’ in addition. This way, medical help will be free. 


When the residence lasts longer than three months, national insurance is needed. In order to get this, one has to register at the Azienda SanitElocale (ASL) and then register with a doctor. Once this is done, a health card and number will be given, wich will be required at any medical appointment.

There are two kinds of health care: public and private. Public is the basic state cover. Private is a more expensive and luxurious cover. With private insurance, there is the option to choosing a doctor and avoiding long queues at public hospitals. Private hospitals in Italy also have higher comfort and are sometimes compared to hotels. However, the medical care is the same as in the state hospitals. It should also be noted that private insurance is very expensive. 


The health system has been this way since 1978. It was the aim of SSN to create an efficient and uniform health care programme wich would cover the entire population. Since 1998 the SSN is funded by the government via taxes, wich is paid by employers on behalf of their employees. Because it is compulsory to have insurance in Italy, those who do not pay taxes, for various reasons, should use privet health insurance. Exceptions are related children under the age of 16; or 26, if they are students or unable to work and live in the same household.


A negative side of the Italian health service is the focus on the cure instead of prevention. 



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